The Road is Wide

Come join the many women traveling the road to financial freedom.

The road is wide. The view is amazing. The journey is easier than you ever expected.


  Course Info
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1: Five Rules of the Road
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: Five Common Mistakes
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: The Psychology of Money
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: Financing While Female
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5: Checking Your Terrain
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6: Investing for Financial Freedom
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 7: International Life Specifics
Available in days
days after you enroll
Eryn Sherman

PYP Coordinator

International School of Helsinki

I have the honor of sharing my testimony about Diana Rosberg, someone I've had the privilege of knowing since 2017. Diana has guided and supported me on my professional and, now, financial journey, particularly in the context of investing while living abroad.

My story with Diana commenced in Malaysia, where I grappled with financial uncertainties and investment concerns. At that time, in 2017, I had many questions and doubts about how to navigate the complex world of investments as an expat. Fortunately, Diana reached out by inviting me over and delivering a crash course in investing. Her generous sharing of knowledge and expertise informed and assisted me.

We reconnected this past year when my partner and I began exploring investment possibilities with our joint income while living abroad in our fifth different country. As anyone who has experienced this lifestyle knows, investing in such circumstances can be incredibly tricky. However, with Diana by our side, things began to make more sense. She not only guided my partner and me through the intricacies of the investment process but also illuminated common misconceptions that many expats have about investing.

Diana Rosberg's expertise and guidance have empowered me to manage my money and investments. Her course on financial management for expats, particularly women living abroad, is not only beneficial; it's a necessity. Diana's commitment to helping others take charge of their finances stands as a testament to her dedication to financial education and empowerment.

In a world where financial literacy is often overlooked, Diana Rosberg stands out as a true mentor and advocate. Her generous sharing of wisdom and expertise is invaluable, and I am immensely grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from her. If you're an expat, particularly a woman living abroad, looking to take control of your financial future, I wholeheartedly recommend connecting with Diana Rosberg. Your financial guidance will be in the best of hands.

Bridget McNamer

Founder and Chief Navigation Officer

Sidecar Counsel

I'm reaching the more 'seasoned' phase of my life with a less-than-robust retirement account, have a costly divorce in my rearview mirror, continue to support my two young adult children as they move into 'independence mode,' and am in the early stages of an entrepreneurial adventure. The release of Diana Rosberg's Adventurous Women's Road to Financial Freedom couldn't have come at a more perfect time for me. As is the case for so many intelligent women, I've put "Get my financial house in order" way down my to-do list, in part because finances have intimidated me and in part because I've been a bit discouraged that taking a good hard look at my financial terrain would simply be depressing. 

I've now binge-watched AWRFF over the past few days and, far from being depressed, I'm feeling excited and empowered! Listening to Diana is like listening to a wise, kind, reassuring sister who 'gets you.' Finances can feel intimidating. It turns out that's not necessary. Not when armed with Diana's simple, straightforward, and easy to understand explanations. The course is thorough, comprehensive, and practical. You'll feel prepared to take action from the get-go. 

Take this course - on your own or with a support network. You'll be richer for it in many ways!

Gillian Daly

Deputy Principal

International School of Kazan

I took the financing while female course offered by Diana and found it to be a real eye-opener. The course was well-presented, extensive and Diana was very enthusiastic and knowledgeable. The course exceeded my expectations, and I would highly recommend it to others. The course was very informative and provided real-life examples that helped me understand the basics of my personal finances. The course also helped me understand ideas such as 'pink tax' and '$5.00 decisions', which will stay in my mind during my future financial decisions and journey. Perhaps the main sticking point for me was 'future self'. I believe these ideas will be assets to me and help me tremendously on my personal financial journey. Thank you for offering this course, Diana.

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